


Creative ideas that work

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Big, yet practical ideas

The design ideation process is an iterative, collaborative process of generating and refining creative solutions to design problems. This process typically involves brainstorming, design sprints, and testing ideas to arrive at a final idea/hypothesis that meets the needs of users while satisfying design constraints and objectives. The ideation process is a vital component of the design process, as it encourages designers to explore a wide range of potential solutions and to identify the best path forward.

One of the key virtues of the design ideation process is that it fosters innovation and creativity. By encouraging designers to explore a wide range of potential solutions, the ideation process helps to push the boundaries of what is possible and to develop new and exciting ideas. Additionally, the ideation process encourages collaboration and teamwork, as designers work together to refine and improve each other's ideas.

Another important virtue of the design ideation process is that it helps to ensure that the final product is both user-friendly and effective. By testing and refining ideas through the ideation process, designers can identify potential problems or issues before the final product is developed. This helps to ensure that the final product meets the needs and expectations of users and that it is effective in achieving its intended purpose.

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